


By Pat Gorman with Stephen Flores
Photos by Stephen Flores


We’ve gone around the cycle once together. And we know that the cycle will continue. So there is always another chance, a new chance to blend and harmonize with nature, to enter the field of her rhythms, her protection, her nourishment.

If any part of the cycle seems a weak or difficult phase for you, or if you have health issues that you have not been able to resolve in body, mind, or spirit, you may wish to be treated by a Classical Five-Element Practitioner. Their special training in this ancient and nature-driven system provides deep transformational support that addresses not only symptoms, but also the underlying separation from nature that causes them. By going to the underlying cause, and following the cycle, treatment in this system of medicine works beyond curing illness, to return us to full health, vibrant and in harmony with nature, stronger in ourselves, able to let go of the past, live happily in the present, and move into a positive future.


patandtunaPat Gorman, Dipl Ac., M.Ac., and Stephen Flores, Dipl. Ac., M.Ac., are husband and wife acupuncturists in the Classical Five Element Tradition, having studied with master practitioners Professor J.R. Worsley and Dr. J.B. Worsley for many years. They practice in New York City and Bridgehampton, Long Island, and teach, lecture, and write about the Five Element perspective. Pat’s articles have appeared in East-West Journal, Tri-Cycle Buddhist Magazine, Meridians, Pathways, and others, and she has been featured as a guest expert on women’s health on the Gary Null show and in his book on women’s health. Steve’s photos have appeared in Newsweek, Shaman’s Drum, and The World & I, and are in the collection of the Museum of Natural History in New York.

Their New York office is 212.989.3566
Their Bridgehampton office is 631.537.8163